Comment trouver son chargeur ou alimentation AC-DC Accessoires Energie

What is a power supply or a charger?

How to define them?

A power supply is a system that converts our 220v "ac" mains voltage into "dc" direct voltage to power our devices.

Often the power supplies are external and are in the form of a small transformer but they can also be internal (inside our devices).

First of all, some idea:

  • "ac" = alternating current (no polarity)
  • "dc" = direct current (polarized with a "+" and a "-" )
  • "voltage" = expressed in Volt
  • "current" = expressed in Ampere
  • transformer=power supply

Definition of our Power Supply research, for this we will look for the 3 important parameters to be determined:

1-output voltage in Volt (see if direct voltage dc, or alternating ac)

2-power in Watt or intensity in Ampere

3-the plug and its polarity + and -, + in the center and - outside the plug

it is very important to define what type of power supply we have, for this we will look at the output, the OUTPUT which is indicated on our transformer


Some power supplies may pose difficulties in obtaining them, due to voltages that are not standard, if this is the case do not hesitate to contact us.

The majority of our devices operate on "dc" direct current, therefore polarized with a + and a -.

1-It will be necessary to check the polarity of the plug before connecting a new power supply.

2-be in the right tension

3-be at the minimum in the requested power, being more powerful is not a problem because the device will consume what it needs and the power supply will not deliver more energy

this is in the case of a power supply, but some devices work with it

a charger, which means that they incorporate a battery

see ourpower supply link.

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