Le reconditionnement une solution pour prolonger la durer de vie de vos appareils

Reconditioning: an alternative to extend the lifespan of your devices

The reconditioning sector recorded a 10% increase in turnover for the year 2020 alone.

Currently, the global refurbished market is estimated at over 50 billion euros, of which 22 billion euros are mainly related to smartphones.

What is battery reconditioning? Battery reconditioning aims to restore the performance of a battery that no longer holds a charge or is defective. To do this, it is necessary to replace the internal cells of the battery as well as damaged components, such as the BMS, wiring, connectors or simply a fuse.

Reconditioning a battery involves replacing used cells with new ones.

The Benefits of Remanufacturing Batteries Here are some of the benefits of purchasing refurbished devices:


This is the main reason why an increasing number of people nowadays prefer a refurbished product over a new one. The prices of refurbished products are indeed more affordable: you can get them with 50% discount, which is a great deal, especially for your savings.

New condition

Refurbished products are completely refurbished by the manufacturer. This includes testing and repairing any existing issues with the product before it is returned to the store. In other words, you will truly feel like you have purchased a brand new product.

Ecological aspect

The expression “making old new” applies perfectly to refurbished products. Remanufacturing is a great way to help reduce the huge amounts of waste we produce.

Disadvantages of Remanufacturing Batteries Despite the advantages mentioned above, there are some disadvantages to remanufactured products.

No (or almost no) guarantee

This is probably the main disadvantage of refurbished products: unlike new products, they usually do not have a warranty. In other cases, the warranty is limited in time.

Uncertain lifespan

When purchasing a new, quality device, you can estimate its lifespan. However, this is not possible with a refurbished product.

This one can have a very long lifespan, just as it can encounter problems after a very short period of use. However, in most cases, refurbished products have a considerable lifespan.

Our electronics store offers you a professional service to meet your requests for the sale of batteries in Nice or chargers (camera, camera, laptop, mobile phone, tablet, cordless home phone, PMR walkie-talkie, portable tools, robot vacuum cleaner, diving lamp, scooter, bicycle, motorcycle)... Our mission, if you accept it, is to solve your problem!

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